a 2022 reflection on intentional progress

hello dear friends, ellyse here —

as i sit on Christmas eve day, and reflect back on this time last year, it’s hard to even fathom the expansion that has occurred in just 365 days. what started as one person, grinding along for 10 years, soon became two, and very quickly four. a sturdy four legged stool made up of grit, intention, out of the box thinking, and a whole lot of heart.

getting ‘here’ —

to say it has been a rollercoaster ride of navigation over the last 10 years is an understatement. when i started out in the creative world over a decade ago, i was uncertain where my path would take me.

so — i said yes to it all. i maneuvered the wild wild land of los angeles, taking multiple internships at once all while finishing up college. i shlepped wardrobe, and sat in insane traffic to deliver a pair of socks, i did countless coffee runs (that often ended in full, untouched to go cups), and steamed until my fingers peeled off. i was yelled at and spoken down to, told i wasn’t good enough and didn’t have what it would take to make it in the creative industry.

enter the next scary leap… moving to new york city at age 22 for a job. navigating my early twenties, in a kick your ass city, knowing no one and trying to find myself in the fast paced city scape.

when i look back at those years and what they have provided me now, it’s a hardy heart and deep yearning to show up every single day as a kind human. that is truly it. to be kind.

my main takeaways in growing a team —

i’ve experienced both. amazing, thought provoking leaders and bosses, and ones that make you doubt yourself every time you walk in a room. my goal? the former. to be the kind of boss/leader/teammate that makes you feel better about yourself every single day. that gives you the juice and energy to show up and want to do more. create more. evolve more.

the truth? this is hard to do. why? because as the one maneuvering the front and backend of the business, you need to put on the face. show up, even when you’re tired or sick or personally going through it. the beauty? when you physically can't do this, it allows for what i call ‘the magic of the let go’. to allow space for the amazing humans on your team to step into their own power, role and responsibility in a completely different way.

we had the opportunity as a team to experience this whole headily this year, and it changed my life in a very special way.

so, how to find your people in a fast paced, endless opportunity landscape? well, what i would say is — share vulnerably. rather than putting on a facade of what your company is ‘supposed’ to look or feel like, share the real deal. the grind, the grit, the beauty and the push that would be needed. i was extremely fortunate to have found three women that bring a unique spice to our mix. the logic mind, the reflector, the beyond the margin maker. this team of women, while all extremely unique in their own way of creating, communicating and showing up in the world, have grown to become this nuclear unit of pure power.

the big (and hard) learnings —

scaling is a lot. exciting! but a lot. i think when you are growing anything, whether it be a garden, a brand or a team, four main things are needed to create a strong foundation that can withstand the winds.

  1. trust

    both internally and externally. trust that the seeds that are planted will be watered, nurtured, and intentionally cared for. it’s very easy in a world of ‘more’ to continuously think of ‘the next’ - the next client, the next sale up, the next move. the only way to ensure a sturdy foundation is laid before thinking of ‘the next’, is to make sure the ground level is laid with trust. how? by asking the hard and important questions, and actually listening to the answer. that, right there, is where trust is born.

  2. pay attention to the signs

    when someone shows you their persona, take it. embrace it. don’t assume you will alter, maneuver or change their way. in the world of creating creative - it’s imperative to remember that not every door opened is meant for you. and that is beautifully perfect.

  3. empower your people

    i mean this both with your internal team and the amazing humans you have the opportunity to serve. ask the hard questions to get ideas churning. give space to grow and thrive. support the wild, crazy initiatives that others may question. be the force that pushes for growth and expansion, wildness and embarking on uncharted territories.

  4. creativity is contagious - so pass it on

    at the end of the day, forward thinking, excitement and true care is what makes people excited. to be around you, to trust in you, and to choose you. foster a space both physically, emotionally and mentally, that feels creative to the core. your people will flock to you and feel like better humans because of it.

the slow intentional growth —

The tough one. to know when enough is enough (for now). when to pause and allow and when to scale and expand. as a leader, this is what keeps me up at night. to ensure the bottom line is met, the right clients are connected with my creatives and when to open the flood gates, or close them. this year has taught me a lot in this arena. of the constant yes, to the maneuvering no. at the root of all decision making is intention. and often, while rushing from meeting to meeting and call to call, intention can easily slip to the side. i hope this can serve as a reminder for us all, that true, unbridled intention is what fosters authenticity to the very core. and the best possible intentional growth.

and to 2023 —

to heading into our first physical enc space. one that i hope encourages endless creative magic, beautiful in person connection and opportunities for both my team, and all the amazing people we get to call clients.

to a fresh start. both personally and professionally. to allow ourselves small moments to reflect on the past, the now and the future of the becoming.

i leave you with this list of intentions. i encourage you to gift yourself 10 minutes to write, to evolve, and to welcome in the beauty of endless opportunity with intention.

  • in 2023 i will get rid of —

  • in 2023 i will learn —

  • in 2023 i will start —

  • in 2023 i will continue to —

  • in 2023 i will be —


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